
Risk and Margin

Portfolio margin accounts

Risk guidance

Price range coverage and maximum potential risk relative to liquidating equity.


Broad-Based Index: -15% TO +10%

A customer cannot lose more than 100% of their liquidating equity because of the stress test on their positions for the -15% to +10% test points. The maximum potential risk of the position for these test points cannot exceed the customer’s liquidating equity.


Broad-Based Index: -/+25%

The maximum potential risk of the position in a broad-based index for these test points is the lesser of 200% of your customer’s liquidating equity or your customer’s liquidating equity plus $2,500,000. See table below:

Single Stocks and Narrow-Based Index: +/-25%

A customer cannot lose more than 100% of their liquidating equity for because of the stress test on their positions for the test points referenced above. The maximum potential risk of any position in the portfolio cannot exceed 100% of the customer’s liquidating equity.


VIX Index: -25% TO +200%

A customer cannot lose more than 100% of their liquidating equity for because of the stress test on their VIX positions for the test points referenced above. The maximum potential risk of any position in VIX cannot exceed 100% of the customer’s liquidating equity.


All trading in SVXY and UVXY must adhere to the risk guidelines described above for the VIX index.


Portfolio: +/- 25%

In addition to reviewing the potential risk in individual stocks or indices the customer’s overall portfolio will be reviewed as well. The aggregate maximum potential risk of all positions in the portfolio cannot exceed 125% of the customer’s liquidating equity.



Customers are expected to always stay within the above framework. There is no leniency on the Friday of option expiration or the quarter end for options with quarterly expirations.


Failing to comply with the above framework may generate a Risk Warning depending on the circumstances and severity of the maximum potential risk. Risk Warnings will be determined at the discretion of Risk Management.


A customer may have their margin privileges revoked should they continue to accumulate multiple Risk Warnings..

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© 2025 Lightspeed Financial Services Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Equities, equities options, and commodity futures products and services are offered by Lightspeed Financial Services Group LLC (Member FINRA, NFA and SIPC). Lightspeed Financial Services Group LLC’s SIPC coverage is available only for securities, and for cash held in connection with the purchase or sale of securities, in equities and equities options accounts. You may check the background of Lightspeed Financial Services Group LLC on FINRA’s BrokerCheck.

Options trading entails significant risk and is not appropriate for all investors. Certain complex options strategies carry additional risk. Before trading options, please read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options

ETFs are subject to market fluctuation and the risks of their underlying investments. ETFs are subject to management fees and other expenses.